Finding Beauty in Brokenness

This art piece draws inspiration from the nature hikes of my childhood and the present day. I'm captivated by the resilience of life, its ability to flourish amidst decay. It's those breathtaking moments when I stumble upon a fallen tree, its life extinguished, yet adorned with vibrant growth. Life persists within or wraps itself around, crafting a stunning spectacle. I embrace the notion that even in brokenness and death, there exists the potential for new life. We all carry this within us, whether as fallen trees or the vines that embrace them. Together, we can bloom and forge something truly beautiful.


Finding Beauty in Brokenness

This art piece draws inspiration from the nature hikes of my childhood and the present day. I'm captivated by the resilience of life, its ability to flourish amidst decay. It's those breathtaking moments when I stumble upon a fallen tree, its life extinguished, yet adorned with vibrant growth. Life persists within or wraps itself around, crafting a stunning spectacle. I embrace the notion that even in brokenness and death, there exists the potential for new life. We all carry this within us, whether as fallen trees or the vines that embrace them. Together, we can bloom and forge something truly beautiful.

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